House (1977) 2019-03-15. Ni un poco. Y eso, acompañado de unas propuestas visuales demasiado imaginativas, hace a esta película única. For when you want to wallow in despair. House(Japanese:ハウス,Hepburn:Hausu?) The Classic Horror Cast . If one film in the history of cinema could be classified as a certifiably insane piece of art, House would be that film. Set in a dorm of the formerly all-female Baxter College, the pilot of Co-Ed Fever was aired by CBS on February 4, 1979, but the network canceled the series before airing any more episodes . But where are the main cast members today? Original title: Casa privata per le SS (Private House of the SS). I have yet to read any analyses of Hausu, but to me, this is Nobuhiko Ôbayashi's attempt to re-create the madness and surreality of war (most likely WWII), and the effect that it had on his home country through the boundlessly…. I mean hey, it worked! El mundo de “House” es indescifrable, un laberinto llenó de irreverencia y brutalidad. IMDb However, the girls are unaware that the house is actually haunted. Beautiful, interesting, incredible movies — a new film every single day. ), and House is no exception, as it's partially based off of director Ôbayashi's 10-year-old daughter's nightmares -- she even has a writing credit. No sé qué es lo que hace a esta película tan cautivante, creo que simplemente lo es. Film data from TMDb. He says, quietly and candidly, that most his friends didn't survive the bombings, as a child. I do now. They're the reason to engage with fiction, to find new ways to see and understand the world, ideas, or people. Supernatural, the coloring & collage effects may seem absurd, but the amount of time & effort the filmmakers put into creating each frame argues that nothing is absurd, even dreams. Download to watch Offline. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Started another Letterboxd list project titled 2020’s Best Picture, Voted by Letterboxd Users ➡️ CLICK HERE. Unsurpassable British quality, hand forged in a foundry in the West Midlands.Available in either straight or cranked versions. The Mickey Mouse Club was Walt Disney's second venture into producing a television series, the first being the Disney anthology television series, initially titled Disneyland. 1977 Tonight I finally revisited this film, and I can safely say that I think it's brilliant. Films that have vivid…. Synopsis: When Oshare finds out that her Father's girlfriend is joining them on their summer trip, she and her friends decide to go to her aunt's farmhouse instead. Classics, Find movie and film cast and crew information for House (1977) - Nobuhiko Obayashi on AllMovie something about blanche doesn’t sit right with me, my chemical romance absolutely stole the piano part in black parade from this movie. Download Right click and do "save link as" Some houses are born bad, and some movies are just hella weird. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. Video Top 10 Netflix Korean Dramas from 2018-2020. Where do I stream House online? Tal vez un poco. The girls soon discover that there is more to the old house than meets the eye. More details at An estimated 76 million American homes have failed cast iron pipes that must be replaced. Obayashi is originally from Hiroshima. Community I stopped watching about fifteen minutes in, unsure of what I had just seen. I absolutely loved it ! I watched this film a while ago now and I like that it’s not conventional horror and it didn’t necessarily try to make the audience afraid off what was going to happen.. I once called in to work so I could drive two hours from where I was living at the time to watch Hausu at the Dryden Theater in Rochester, New York, it was worth the mileage & reprimand. No more, no less. your own Pins on Pinterest However, it may be time to replace cast iron pipes long before their lifetime is up. So they just kinda said "fuck it" and made this, huh? But not ‘so bad it’s good’, it’s just, bad, but it’s still good”, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH WHAATA F, you literally get to watch someone get eaten by a grand piano. Tobias Andersen 8,758 films 18,500 808 Edit, Rules: Generate a number (from 1 to x) via:, See how many number of films there are in the…, I've curated a list of films that belong to a subgenre I've created titled CANDY CINEMA. Summer Sunday at a small beach house at the coast of Rome. With no ads. Un uso extraño de herramientas y elementos que sacan a uno de su respectiva zona de confort, ¡Dios mío, es imposible creer que esta película tiene algo normal! Deterioration of cast iron pipes is normal after just 25 years, so homeowners should conduct routine inspections. Stream Now. TV & Film. Argento had his gloved killer, Carpenter had his masked maniac. ¿Acaso tiene sentido? The idea for Halloween came to Irwin Yablan while he was attending a film festival in Milan during 1977. Nov 22, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by slowpoke. i've always been a sucker for films that accurately portray the world of dreams (david lynch's entire filmography!!! Hausu (1977) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. However, this film has a man who sells Watermelons. The images should not contain any sexually explicit content, race hatred material or other offensive symbols or images. House, or Hausu, is a 1977 psychedelic horror film directed by Japanese filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi. The whole film felt like it had a naive innocence to it which also reflects on the characters identity’s, each scene was never dull! Start your free 7 day trial now. Kirkpatrick 1977 Letters / House Numbers A high quality, solid cast iron Letters/House Numbers. POR SUPUESTO QUE SÍ. From new directors to award-winners. Mobile site. The film stars mostly amateur actors with only Kimiko Ikegami and Yōko Minamida having any notable previous acting experience. Cast iron waste pipes last anywhere between 50 and 100 years. Creo que es una experiencia, una visita a este extraño mundo sin por qué, simplemente sucede, sin más. We’ve got a special guest this week- Dr. Smith! He was impressed by the giallo films of Argento and Bava. The girls soon discover that there is more to the old house than meets the eye. [54] Dr. Adrian Smith! There is nothing I can write about this movie that would do it justice, you just have to experience it for yourself and understand that it deserves your undivided attention, don't look away for a second because every single frame is magic. House (Japanese Movie); ハウス; Hausu; Oshare (Gorgeous) is excited about spending summer vacation with her father, until she finds out that his beautiful, freakishly Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) is devoid of anything resembling bedside manner and wouldn't even talk to his patients if he could get away with it. Hausu makes use of the art of cinema to simply ignore all convention,…. This review may contain spoilers. Wherever you are. (1977) - Harry Harris on AllMovie © 2021 TV.COM, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. I made Max watch this due to it being a masterpiece. Beach House was released in 1977 and has 45 actors and actresses with connections in other movies. House is available to watch and stream, download, buy on demand at HBO Max, Amazon, Vudu, iTunes online. Ever. An episode of Scooby-Doo as directed by Mario Bava? She invites her six friends, Prof, Melody, Mac, Fantasy, Kung Fu, and Sweet, to join her. Private House of the SS is a film directed by Bruno Mattei with Gabriele Carrara, Marina Daunia, Macha Magall, Vassili Karis, Tamara Triffez .... Year: 1977. Esto es demasiado bueno de principio a fin, original, loca e irreverente. One thing was clear, Bilitis wasn't going around freaked out about "her" sexual identity. House is an Comedy, Fantasy, Horror movie that was released in 1977 and has a run time of 1 hr 28 min. The B-Movie Cast is back! He talks about their easy attraction to the strange and mysterious. It’s a bad-good movie. So I sat through this film bedazzled and boggled by its sexual content in 1977 in a pretty packed house of bohemians with my fake intellectual friends. Cult, Obayashi talks about them in the interview on the Criterion materials: One is the war and the atomic bombings. Disney used both shows to help finance and promote the building of the Disneyland theme park. This is not simply a matter of the supernatural; there are so many things I will never seen even in the natural universe. I didn't get the older woman with the gruff husband then, their dynamic. She invites her six friends, Prof, Melody, Mac, Fantasy, Kung Fu, and Sweet, to join her. “The thing with Hausu is that it might seem like a really bad movie, it’s not. 1977 revival: The New Mickey Mouse Club. The second is Obayashi's sense of how children view and experience the world. You will believe a teenage girl can be eaten by a piano. Cast Kimiko Ikegami Miki Jinbo Ai Matsubara Mieko Satoh Eriko Tanaka Masayo Miyako Kiyohiko Ozaki Saho Sasazawa Asei Kobayashi Tomokazu Miura Fumi Dan Godiego Haruko Wanibuchi Yôko Minamida Kazuo Satsuya Chigumi Ôbayashi Kiyoko Tsuji Shôichi Hirose Yasumasa Ônishi Mitsutoshi Ishigami Kumiko Ohba Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the country to visit her aunt at their ancestral house. How to describe Nobuhiko Obayashi’s indescribable 1977 movie House (Hausu)? It has received poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 7.4. Algo tiene de fantástico, pero no logró encontrarlo. There are so many things to be fascinated by in this beautiful, wild movie, but two things really stick out to me. TMDb The sets were brightly colored and simpler than the detailed black and white artwork of the original. Aug 28, 2018 - The 'Little House on the Prairie' cast had TV fans captivated for over 200 episodes and still does today. |, Please read the following before uploading. This was writer/director Nobuhiko Obayashi’s fever … Pessimistic worldviews. This month, Erik, Sean, and Kyle discuss Nobuhiko Obayashi’s piece of macabre surrealism, House. Kimiko Ikegami Miki Jinbo Ai Matsubara Mieko Satoh Eriko Tanaka Masayo Miyako Kiyohiko Ozaki Saho Sasazawa Asei Kobayashi Tomokazu Miura Fumi Dan Godiego Haruko Wanibuchi Yôko Minamida Kazuo Satsuya Chigumi Ôbayashi Kiyoko Tsuji Shôichi Hirose Yasumasa Ônishi Mitsutoshi Ishigami Kumiko Ohba, Tomoyuki Tanaka Nobuhiko Ōbayashi Yorihiko Yamada, 88 mins   You’re not the same person once the film has finished, Pride: A Chronological History of Queer Interest & LGBTQ+ Cinema, Every Horror Film Made from 1895 - present. Original title: Hausu (House). House is a film directed by Nobuhiko Ôbayashi with Kimiko Ikegami, Kumiko Ohba, Yôko Minamida, Mitsutoshi Ishigami, .... Year: 1977. in the documentary Constructing a House, Ôbayashi explains that adults "only think about things they understand ... everything stays on that boring human level" while "children can come up with things that can't be explained." Not to mention the graphics for the poster was impecable !! I had heard that it was an awesome and brilliant film, but was merely too young, or maybe too unknowledgeable at the time, to understand its eccentricity or humor. Remember: Abuse of the image system may result in you being banned from uploading images or from the entire site – so, play nice and respect the rules! As a psychedelic ghost tale? Instead, this is a matter of even simple things, like Tsai Ming Liang's ability to capture images from angles I wouldn't ever think to look at things from or Jess Franco's use of European locales that I probably won't ever visit. Adrian is joining Mary and Nic to check out the gonzo Japanese horror film from 1977: “House” (Nihongo de: Hausu). Andre de Nervaux 278 films 47,625 700 Edit, my favorite genre is when a film uses horror not as the ultimate goal but as a means to an…, tarrdigrade 1,823 films 29,072 210 Edit, If you're feeling overwhelmed, but still want to squeeze a film into your daily routine, this list is made for…, hamburger splash 1,836 films 13,388 98 Edit, Updated: January 5, 2020 Created: January 19, 2013 View More Lists Follow Me, ——————————————————————— CRITERION CHALLENGE 2021 ➔ ———————————————————————, Darren Carver-Balsiger 944 films 19,638 1404 Edit. In 1977, Walt Disney Productions revived the concept, but modernized the show cosmetically, with a disco re-recording of the theme song and a more ethnically diverse group of young cast members. Asian Horror. ¿Acaso pasé un genial rato viendo esto? Many people and stories: women's basketball team, two sports-obsessed soldiers, two men with their girlfriends and the priest with a big secret, an elderly couple with their pregnant granddaughter, and engagemented couple wanting to have sex for the first time. ‘ハウス’ © Letterboxd Limited. I can handle the truth. Report this film. Directed by Nobuhiko Ōbayashi. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. She brings with her her friends from school - Fanta (who likes to take pictures, and daydreams a lot), KunFuu (who has very good reflexes), Gari/Prof (who is a major nerd), Sweet (who likes to clean), Mac (who eats a lot), and Melody (a musician). More Episodes. Do not upload anything which you do not own or are fully licensed to upload. Find movie and film cast and crew information for Eight Is Enough : Is There a Doctor in the House? Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the country to visit her aunt at their ancestral house. A new wave of exploitation films were about to hit America and this time teenagers would feel the wrath. Animal House inspired Co-Ed Fever, another sitcom but without the involvement of the film's producers or cast. House is the perfect mix of chaotic & calculated. A schoolgirl travels with six classmates to her ailing aunt's creaky country home and comes face-to-face with evil spirits, a demonic house cat, a bloodthirsty piano, and other ghoulish visions. ¿Acaso entendí? is a 1977 Japanese horror comedy film directed and produced by Nobuhiko Obayashi. this movie is super weird and unique, it’s  wild that it even exists, new year, same allain 575 films 2,721 914 Edit. Watch truly great cinema. It's just bonkers and batshit crazy for 88 minutes. Featured. Discover (and save!) No, not that one, the British one! Being busy with these projects and others, Disney turned The Mickey Mouse Club over to Bill Walsh to create and develop the format, initially aided by Hal Adelquist.… House (1977) Cast and Crew In an effort to avoid spending time with her father and his creepy new lover, young Gorgeous (Kimiko Ikegami) resolves to visit her aunt's remote mansion. Fantástica película, original, única y genial. Do you need anything else in a piece of cinema? It’s an LGBTQ+ world and these are my other LGBTQ+ lists on Letterboxd: ➡️Minor Interest Films: In the Closet: A…, A list that is trying to contain every horror film made that is not lost and is found on the…, A very rough list of eccentric cerebral films - films that are consisted of many wonderful imaginative ideas and creations,…. Where, he says, adults see Jaws and might think for the next movie, substituting bears for the monster, his daughter conjured a kaleidoscope of subconscious fears and fantasies that were…. how high should you be to make something like this and can i have some, i might be kinda drunk right now but honestly i think that only made this better, To think this and Suspiria came out the same year, I tried to watch this seven years ago when I was thirteen or fourteen, and simply could not handle it. For me, one of the most impressive things a movie can do is show me something I cannot possibly see in real life. A stream-of-consciousness bedtime story? view this film through the lens of an imaginative…. Hit America and this time teenagers would feel the wrath is Obayashi 's sense of how children view and the. 22, 2016 - this Pin was discovered by slowpoke the images should not contain sexually... Score of 7.4 Vudu, iTunes online anything which you do not upload which. 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