Gatsby usually has a lot of guides when getting started or migrating something, so I went there first to see how to get started with MDX. I did not like the way certain elements were appearing on the posts. One of the key features that I like about it is the markdown editor that makes it easy for you to embed code snippets or pictures into your blog post. Contentful is headless CMS that I came across it while I was searching for tutorials on developers migrating their blogs to Gatsby. Talk to our advisors to see if Contentful is a good fit for you! Skip to content. Latest webinars. For Gatsby we use data sources from "Contentful" and "Shopify". He is currently focused on using React and Gatsby to create extremely fast and responsive websites by: Social. From there, each video walks you through a new aspect of production, from automating deployment with CircleCI to integrating the Contentful webhooks feature. Quick tip: Remember to add gatsby new command as the first step of the setup. Great official gatsby-source-plugin with native gatsby-image and Contentful Images API support. } Content is described and stored using a data model which we call content types; these are entirely configurable. You will also need a free Contentful account — creating one only takes a moment and we promise not to spam you. Hit "Generate Personal Token," give it a name and click “Generate.” Copy the token value and keep it safe and private — this is the only time you’ll be able to view it in your dashboard. Getting Started with Eleventy. Getting started with Contentful + Gatsby was simple — each has helpful starter guides on how to work with the other. In my .mdx files, I'll make sure to add in some frontmatter (title, date, slug, etc.). DEV Community – A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. How to build your first GatsbyJS website with Contentful, Create a space on Contentful to store content, Generate your Content Management and Content Delivery API access tokens. The only thing I did differently is wrapping the mdxPost in my Layout component to keep the styling consistent on my site. It looks like I did not remove the gatsby-source-contentful package from the project but you can do so since we won't be using it. Contentful is a great CMS and I did use it a bit but I wanted to improve the styling on my Markdown files. Gatsby also supports Contentful, which is a cloud hosted, headless CMS. Gatsby and Contentful Guide. Quick tip: Remember to add gatsby new command as the first step of the setup. allMdx { Tags. "Contentful is useful and wonderful" Kommentare: I'd like to recommand contentful as it is easy to use, and easy to config store data for develop a project. I would also have to change gatsby-node.js, as this is where we are programmatically create pages from Contentful posts. Alternatively, you can also clone a sample repo from GitHub: And go into the directory and install the required dependencies with: A Space within Contentful serves as a storage area for content that will be used in your website and can be configured to serve specific purposes. Some notes on moving my website's blogs from Contentful to MDX. If you have previously read anything on this blog (directly, rather than via RSS) you will have noticed that the visuals have been updated. Contentful's localization features.. Our sample space includes products localized into both English and German.An entry and asset node are created for each locale following fallback rules for missing localization. In some cases it's easier to create a new environment and copy changes manually. contentful space migration --space-id a65gr7u3g09k --environment-id 'test' 01-add-article-cta-type.js. Above, you can see we are creating pages based on the file ./src/templates/mdxPost.js. I have an anchor element which will show in posts. Here is a preview of my first .mdx post. set or change the trueLabel and/or falseLabel (only for boolean field type) Anyway, API document griping aside, next came to their very helpful step-by-step explanation of how the Gatsby example integrates witih their SDK and API. Build Content Rich Progressive Web Apps with Gatsby and Contentful. frontmatter { We'll need to figure out the right query when we're in gatsby-node.js. gatsby-theme-* — this naming convention is used for Gatsby themes, which are a type of plugin. } title } Next, to add some code to src/components/posts-page-layout.js. Content is described and stored using a data model which we call content types; these are entirely configurable. Just add the content. I created src/components/posts-page-layout.js as this was the file used in some examples. query BlogPostQuery($id: String) { In this episode, Nikan and Marcelo chat all about Static Site Generators (SSGs) and more specifically, dig into the details of Gatsby.js ***** Questions Asked ***** Tell us about your background. The Content Management API is used for write access to your space, so keep the generated token safe and private. This is also the file where I can add my custom components that I'll be using in my .mdx file. Create a new empty space by opening the sidebar menu and adding a Space. I was adding components to shortcodes in the template file but they were not being reflected in my .mdx posts. Edit this page. Gatsby Tutorials is a community-updated list of video, audio and written tutorials to help you learn GatsbyJS. Contentful gives you platform independence by serving as a layer in your stack that matches your modular and agile way of working with your content. Self-taught developer, always looking to learn more. Write your migration script . Reviews of Contentful. Your static files can then be deployed on a variety of platforms of your choice, like BitBalloon and GitHub Pages. contentful-migration - content model migration tool. It’s been quite a journey, but now we have a working blog using three awesome tools that work so well together. These handy guides will help you add the improvements of Gatsby v2 to your site without starting from scratch! Easy to set up and configure multi-language. -“I wanted these videos to act as documentation,” says Khaled. And that’s it! I'd be moving my MDXProvider here. Specifically, we used Contentful, Gatsby.js, GraphQL, Contentful and Netlify hosting. Khaled Garbaya・13m・Course. Built on Forem — the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. As my new data source is MDX, I would not need all this. The Content Preview API works much like the Content Delivery API, except it shows content internally for you to preview and hence does not use the CDN to serve content; since viewing is only limited to you, the previewing user. This website is still a work in progess as I want to add more MDX Components among other things. Head over to your Space Settings dropdown menu and navigate to the APIs section. query { Content Delivery API This section is all about our Content Delivery API (CDA), which is our read-only API for delivering content from Contentful to apps, websites and other media. Check out our Developer Center to learn more on how our tech works and what it can do for your web projects, or head over to the Guides and tutorials section to see ways you and your web projects can work with Contentful. Software & SaaS; Consumer Finance & Insurance; E-commerce; Public Interest Organizations; Content & Media; By Technology. } My second brain, by Zander Martineau. Next, I had three files I would have to change. The Content Delivery API provides read-only access to your data and is one of the ways we deliver content to your website via our Content Delivery Network (CDN). After scouring the documentation and Internet, I believe my problem was with MDXRenderer and MDXProvider. Marketing and product designers, with a focus on, UI/UX, website, app, prototype, data visualization and brand design. Khaled Garbaya・7m・Course. Gatsby will pull in the Contentful data all over again, which now includes the new post you added, and create a new page based on the new blog post. The site itself is built with "Gatsby.js". Migrate a Gatsby site from v1 to v2; Still on v0? Already have a Gatsby site? We can remove a few things and add in the above PostLayout. Unlike a CMS, Contentful provides you with actual separation between content and presentation, allowing you to focus on developing your website and leave content delivery to us. This guide walks through how to deploy and host your next Gatsby project to Vercel. Alright, time to get started with MDX.js. It seems to be gaining a lot of popularity and use (from what I read on Twitter). Thanks for reading! Kyle Mathews: Building Blazing Fast Websites with React, Gatsby, and Contentful. If you are not using Gatsby but still want to take advantage of GraphQL, Contentful offers both REST and … A monthly newsletter to help you build better digital experiences with Contentful. My project can be found here - animation.