(2000). This can be exemplified by the use of, electronic cards to pay for courses offered online increasing opportunities towards access, to lifelong learning. Horizontal integration (business functions & processes ), Vertical integration (along the entire value chain on the supply and demand side), What are the roles of e-business in facilitating online learning, What do you think are the tenable solutions to challenges integration within your country. Harnessing value from lock-in requires that organisations have a well-developed ICT, network, infrastructure and customer connectivity to the institution’s e, resources. E-commerce include commercial transactions involving an exchange of value across organizational boundaries 6. Retrieved from http://ac.els-, cdn.com.manchester.idm.oclc.org/S074756321400418X/1-s2.0-S074756321400418X-, 00000aacb361&acdnat=1476676595_ca4c03a2f33821225e889a37aa2111e5, Istambul, M. R. (2012). Highlighting specific comparisons and practices of e-m-learning and knowledge management technologies, this book is an essential guide for professionals and academics who want to improve their understanding of the strategic role of e-learning at different levels of the information and knowledge society. These, Institutions may thus enable students and other customers to purchase courses online, or easily subscribe to educational resources and still enjoy after sale services through, book exchanges, resale, or re-subscriptions just like traditional offline universities. Thus, commerce plays an important role in the distribution of goods. MANOJ KUMAR 902 However, the concept of e-business is rather broad and therefore this paper suggests a more narrow focus on the value of complementary services. AN E-DISTINCTION For the purpose of clarity, the distinction between e-commerce and e-business in this book is based on the respective terms commerce and business. E-business and online learning: Connections and opportunities for vocational, https://www.ncver.edu.au/__data/assets/file/0014/4802/nr1f05.pdf, Karl, R. L., & J. Leon, Z. (Dennis, 2005), in his publication argues that producers are existing brick and mortar, firms (with a physical building and address) integrating e- business through the web into, their traditional businesses and thus design, produce and distribute goods and services to, fulfil their client needs. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. E-business or Online business means business transactions that take place online with the help of the internet. (2016). Dejan, D., & Peter, K. (2004). The title of the journal we chose is "E-Commerce: Role of E-Commerce in Today’s Business" and it describes the type of e-commerce. This covers the development and implementation of emerging technologies for healthcare, supply-chain e-Management systems, and Web services. Amit and Zott's [2] model of the sources of value creation in e-business includes four dimensions of value creation; efficiency, lock-in, complementarities and novelty. Both systems do not have e-. Amit and Zott [2] recognized the importance of understanding value sources in electronic business (e-business). If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. student population to access online services whenever needed. PAVAN KUMAR 842 Activities which aid Commerce. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. HEI can also shape their supplier products by influencing the, customisation of products/services based on institutional preferences through, backward involvement were researchers work with producers. Retrieved from https://www.kuleuven.be/onderwijs/professionalisering/AVLM. We are going to use two categories: A general one based on who the buyers and sellers are. Accounting for an impressive 35% of its overall revenues, product upselling and cross-selling on the Amazon E-commerce platform is among this retailer’s major success stories. developing countries a result of large economic disparity (Raven & Kim, 2007). In particular, the chapter tells you why the Corporate University took charge of Knowledge Management initiatives, how it supports them, and what comprises the university’s value proposition. Importance of ECommerce:-E-commerce refers to a wide of online business activities for products and services.It also pertains to any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather than by physical exchange or direct physical contact. The study is based on secondary data, which are collected through various available sources. Makelle University Ethiopia Website. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. This model well matches with the analogue of e-learning as, defined earlier in the previous sections. While both countries had access to the technology at about the same time, each has taken a different path to utilizing it. Evidence from the stage of university-industry linkages in Mozambique, E-business in education: The case of Delta State University, Leveraging Economic Development with e-Business in West African Developing Countries, Optimizing the Implementation of e-Learning Strategies in Higher Education, Investigating users’ perspectives on e-learning: An integration of TAM and IS success model, Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003/Band I: Medien — Märkte — Mobilität, Knowledge Management at the DaimlerChrysler Corporate University. Indeed, all the chapters in this book point to the need for more rigor and relevance in both developing and implementing e-Business solutions. since the institution is stick stack traditional banking for managing payments (TOUT, MUE on the other hand similarly has a couple of decentralised systems including a Moodle, based E-learning system, e-student system for handling student registrations and e-, procurements systems for managing university wide procurements. SEMAS is a cloud based IS used to centralise MUBS information particularly, student results and registration but however decentralised from the current MUBS e-learning, platform (MUBSEP). Critical success factors, for e-learning in developing countries: A comparative analysis between ICT experts and, faculty. - Electronic Learning Makerere University Business School Website. Australian National Training Authority, Melbourne. faster decision making which none of the universities exploited. The survey constituted of semi-, structured questions which sought facts, opinions and evidence surrounding the state and, level of integration of e-business within their universities (SID#-9937982, 2016). AudioVisual Learning Materials (AVLM), Management, Development and, Production. these are John Mitchel and Pelet respectively. Think of "e-business" as an umbrella term that encompasses e-commerce, e-sales, e-banking, e-learning and online communication. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. B2B, B2C, C2C and similar opportunity help People are able to buy goods produced anywhere in the world. Respondent 2 also agrees with a similar practice at TOUT in addition, she narrated that e-, learning is currently enabled for teacher training as opposed to students. It consists of business-to-consumer and business-to-business commerce as well as organizational transactions that support those activities. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. The Open University of Tanzania Website. Companies implement technology to create a competitive advantage in the business environment. • E-commerce for goods and services trade has been adversely impacted by the same factors that have caused disruption in supply and demand overall. Today, it plays a key role in the way companies do business, shaping the global economy. The emergence of virtual learning, environments has stimulated universities around the world to develop technologies for, enhancing education and administrative service delivery (Achugbue, 2014), digital divide exists in the adoption of ICTs for education between the developed and. Business in West African Developing Countries. ranging from enrolment, information exchange, marketing etc. that e-business provides avenues for increased information reach through advertising, promotional activities and provides easy access to electronic payment systems and, electronic fund transfers (Karl & J. Leon, 2000). organisation to the educational institution. Topic: Introduction to Commerce. Ping, G., & Richard, D. (2015). You can change your ad preferences anytime. Importance of e-business in the education sector, -business models on the web. research to improve products and service offerings. Given the well-established tendency for people to underestimate the extent and rate of technological change, it seems reasonable to suggest that the extent to which the Internet created economic and social upheaval in the past ten years is likely to pale into insignificance by comparison with the changes occurring in the next decade. [1] The present chapter focuses on practical issues regarding the organization, support, and impact of such initiatives. encourages TOUT researchers to publish journals through, university partnership aimed at promoting academic research, Noted however is the limited integration of e-commerce in all three universities, thus, the possibility for these developing country institutions to leverage from, complementarities is limited. Over the past twenty years, the transformation of a relatively simple computer network used by a few researchers into a global Internet, involving hundreds of millions of people and generating a new economic order, took government, business and education, by surprise. (2016). efficiencies, reducing costs, increasing speed of transactions, importantly, providing additional value for clients, …”An approach to building a knowledge society through creation of, knowledge management systems where learning and learners are facilitated, through electronic medium due to convergence of information, technology and, E-learning is therefore an innovative approach to teaching and learning involving the use, of internet and other electronic means for knowledge dissemination although it still in its, infancy in developing country institutions as compared to the developed counter parts, (Wannasiri, Oudone, Zo, Jae, & Andrew P, 2012). By leveraging on, strategic e-business models, developing country HEI will better position themselves as, knowledge centres in the current internet age providing diverse alternatives to education. Commerce can be defined as human activities … - Elektronische Märkte The choice of the educator model under the wider producer categorisation in the, Applegate under her taxonomy asserts that the producer model mainly focuses on brick, and mortar organisations that integrate e-commerce into their core business activities. for all and enhanced investment environment for stakeholders. This is already, evidenced in the SEMA project according to respondent 1 although it is too early to, gauge the e-business value since the project is still at its infancy. Verbunden mit der Entwicklung und dem Einsatz neuer Medien in allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen, der zunehmend elektronischen Abwicklung unternehmensübergreifender Geschäftsprozesse im Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung elektronischer Märkte und der sich schrittweise herausbildenden Infrastruktur für mobile Dienste und Anwendungen sind zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen und praktische, During the past two years the DaimlerChrysler Corporate University has been responsible for organizing Corporate Knowledge Management initiatives. Institute for Development Policy and Management School, http://www.talentlms.com/elearning/history-of-elearning, Hossein, M. (2015). e-Business: Organisation and Strategy IDPM 70004. Commerce education means to enable our youth to compete in the modern business and to pace with the modern world. The commerce education gives pragmatic approach of the modern economics and industry. COMMERCE EDUCATION/ BUSINESS EDUCATION Commerce Education is that area of education which develops the required knowledge; skills and attitudes of human resources for the successful handling of trade, commerce and industry. Band I enthält neben ausgewählten Hauptvorträgen Beiträge zu folgenden thematischen Schwerpunkten: The history of online education. However, the e-business is still in its infancy in the, developing and transitional world, and creating outstanding value through e-commerce, for competitiveness has become vital for organisations utilising e-commerce (Johansson, into employees, customers and investors defining value creation, …making products and providing services that consumers find, consistently useful (for consumers). Amit and Zott value creations thus are, based on how e-business enables the flow of transactions and how stakeholder derive, benefits from these transactions. education and business administration was different (John, 2003). Educational institutions do design their programmes using appropriate e-pedagogical, tools, produce their courses using technology and lastly distribute their services through, online information systems. As the digital divide seems to grow, the question becomes how will developing countries catch up? E-commerce, maintaining relationships and conducting business transactions that include selling information, services, and goods by means of computer telecommunications networks. So the buyer and the seller don’t meet personally.In today’s world, we are exposed to various forms of e-Business. The cost of doing business is lowered by reducing, information distribution costs, increases the convenience of doing business through, simplified payment options, speeding up orders and promoting bulk purchases, (Alawneh & Hanna, 2009). A., & Hanna, S. (2009). Following are the marketing areas where we seek scope of e-commerce: (i) Marketing, sales and sales promotion. The emergence of the internet age has thus synthesised the challenge that many higher, education institutions continue to face while competing for online students brought by the, emergence of the distance and lifelong learning economy (Taylor, 2001). Research on e-business suggests that many institutions have continued to adopt the. This strains avenues for HEI-, industry partnerships and novelty which is not surprisingly the case with the three. Role Of Internet In Business 2. The findings suggest that UILs in Mozambique weak and informal, and that academics engage with companies mainly through DUI-innovation model and exchange of embodied knowledge, particularly ideas in informal meetings, internship/employment for students, consultancies for academics, rather than through disembodied knowledge, such as patents and technology prototypes, embedded in R&D and STI-innovation model. The paper examines the kind of knowledge universities transfer to industry, the knowledge channels used, the incentives and barriers faced, including influencing contextual conditions. There are also many advantages and disadvantages to this trade. Like any other e-Business terms, e-Government is a term most likely to be over-exploited and this will tend to create a miss-perception in the way government and public views this emerging business concept. Start Writing ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Help; About; Start Writing; Sponsor: Brand-as-Author; Sitewide Billboard In the fourth part of the book, the accent is on software applications and services used in e-Business. E-COMMERCE : ROLE OF E-COMMERCE IN TODAY'S BUSINESS Anjali Gupta Assistant Professor in Commerce CCAS Jains Girls College, Ganaur Sonepat (Haryana), India ABSTRACT E-commerce stands for electronic commerce and pertains to trading in goods and services through the electronic medium. A booming ecommerce business takes intuition, knowledge of your market, MUBS. Novelty is further, enhanced given a conducive environment and strong connections between the, industrial sector and the educational sector. He further asserts that throughout the 80s and 90s, the electronic university was, established to expand online course delivery by universities and this followed the growth, of internet usability where many companies and institutions especially in the 90s, exploded. strategy and dimensions measured along the ITPOSMOO scale, as used in (Heeks, 2006). Types of e-commerce. Four sources of value creation in e-business adopted from (Amit & Zott, 2001), All figure content in this area was uploaded by Gerald Gwamba, All content in this area was uploaded by Gerald Gwamba on Dec 24, 2016, Role of e-business in the education sector: Are e-business IS creating any added business, value in the delivery of e-Learning by Higher Education Institutions in developing, A case of Makelle University Ethiopia, Makerere University business school, Open University of, The world as we know it today has experienced radicalised adoption of ICTs in all, aspects of life. This study also shows that in this specific business-to-business context, the characteristics of the product, which the Internet-based service supports, are vital. Essay on the Scope of E-Commerce: There is high scope of e-commerce in each aspect of business, at present it is in the embryonic stage but in future e-commerce would be the part of day to day activity of business firms. The mobile device holder can connect each other and can conduct the business. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2003) in Dresden fassen die aktuellen Arbeiten und Lösungen auf diesen Gebieten zusammen. E-business, also known as e-commerce, is the avenue companies use to sell goods and services via the Internet. E-Commerce - B2B Model - A website following the B2B business model sells its products to an intermediate buyer who then sells the products to the final customer. The book combines material by scholars mainly from the business school, information systems (IS), and computer science areas. Respondent 2 quoted that, “TOUT staff are not really, es as used in Amit and Zott (2001) defines a player as your, the African Resource Development Journal (ARDJ) for instance, distance learners at TOUT cannot access the LMS in remote, , 20. The findings of this case study, where Metso Paper's Internet-based service (a complementary service) and some of their customers' perceptions of the service have been studied, show that the customers have used the services infrequently. Retrieved from, https://www.petersons.com/college-search/online-education-history.aspx, SID#-9937982. A UNESCO policy paper on change and, development for HEI suggests that developing country institutions should make greater, use of ICTs to reap the benefits of open and distance learning, promoting further future. This is becoming a common trend, especially a common practise by some private institutions in Uganda to attract and, retain students from sister institutions. full scale value creation that meets all these stakeholder groups’ expectations. Only MUE has, initiated back ward vertical integration of e-business linking suppliers and the institution and, in which case, it is very early to tell how far e-procurement is realising value addition since, In investigating how e-business creates value within the education service delivery, we will, evaluate the educator model in relation to the Amit and Zott sources of value creation in e-, Figure 1: Four sources of value creation in e-business adopted from, Transaction efficiency as defined by (Amit & Zott, 2001) suggests that a particular e-, business model creates value, if lower the transaction costs implying an increase in, transaction efficiency. There is however, increasing levels of integration although information is not centrally maintained. MUE. Drawing from the Mozambican case, this paper addresses the stage of university-industry linkages (UILs) in Sub-Saharan Africa, from the perspective of universities. education demands for a very mobile and technologically interconnected population, most educational institutions perceive e-learning as a catalyst for implementing this, educational change (Hossein, 2015). Introduction: Business education or commerce education is that area of education which develops the Sector providing opportunities emergence, it has grown by leaps and bounds though. Using ICTs, business, and goods by means of computer telecommunications networks partnerships and, production local. Link to your business promotions, as it is more less a repository for details and entered. Impact of such initiatives ] the present chapter focuses on e-business suggests that many institutions have to! Important role in the education sector, -business models on the web to their clients ( students, and... 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