Depending on its size divide your team up into groups. Team Building Exercises for Work These team building games are designed to help you get to know your fellow workers, your team of employees, and yourself better so you can all work together more efficiently. One of the well-known and quick team building exercises! Divide the team members into even groups. This sharing game is often used as an icebreaker and provides a unique way for your team members to learn more about each other. This activity can take some time to put together, but it will yield hours of fun for your team. The message is repeated around and around the circle, and it's okay if it sounds a little muffled as the point is for it to get lost in translation. Part 2 of this series will focus on 10 more short team building activities, and each will focus on project planning skills and building trust amongst a team of peers. Create a face with a random face generator. For more information, check out our privacy policy. Don't let any balloons touch the ground. The teamwork and team dynamics of your workplace, developed through exercises like these, is just one part of your employer brand. Marketing automation software. How efficient is your team? Place one puzzle on each table. Trust-building activities help the team members become team players and trust one another. Team builders are an amazing way to fix that problem. When someone in the group hears something to which they can relate, they must say, "me too." Use customer support phrases, such as "responding to an email" and "transferring a call." Two of them are facts and the last one is a lie. You never want your customers to feel like the last person in a game of Telephone -- confused. Then, when its game time, have reps step up one-by-one to choose a card. […] and arrange, plus most team building take care of everything so the hard part is out of your hands. It’s a great way to get everyone’s juices flowing. The point of this game is to teach your team the importance of clear communication. You'll need about three times as many balloons as people on the team. However, it's important that your team meet to discuss the final letters. Your team should learn that it's essential to repeat messages several times to ensure a customer understands what's being said and to use language that is easily comprehensible to an amateur on the subject. Step 2. Some items may be hard to find or the list may be very long, so the team needs to work together to gameplan a strategy. Me Too!. This quick activity is all about learning how each team member prefers to communicate, allowing for better collaboration, and less miscommunication in future interactions. Each team is given a list of items that can be found within the perimeters of the game. When a card has been selected, the person should not read what is written. Premium plans, Connect your favorite apps to HubSpot. Jigsaw puzzles are just the background for this selection from our 5 minute team building activities. Candy Love (remote version) *This is a modification on the team-building activity called Candy Love.. For those unfamiliar with the activity, Candy Love is a team-building activity or icebreaker where you have a jar of coloured lollies — like M&Ms. Break employees up into groups and have each one come up with a cool team name -- that's important. Step 3. Yes, and … is an improvisational game that exemplifies a positive mentality that professionals should always try to adopt -- especially those working in customer service. In this activity, you will have all members sit in a circle. If you are looking for more fun ways to … Give each employee an A4 sheet of paper, and give them five minutes to create the tallest free-standing structure possible. Do this till everyone has had a turn. Team members are to rearrange themselves in order of their birthdays (month and date), without talking. Here is how to play: Split your coworkers into teams. Each person must find a new use for that object and demonstrate it to the rest of the group. 3. Additionally, they give you the opportunity to strengthen your team's collaboration and communication skills which will naturally improve your work ethic and customer conversations. We can use team science to build trust in a team. Step 1. As well as functioning to help each team member realize the effect of their individual efforts, these games are very fun to participate in and usually result in smiles all around. Additional Team Building Activities Resources. Contact CareerArc today to learn how to develop your employer brand even further so that you can both retain and attract top talent. This game is played by inviting two people up at a time to perform. Here are some of our best team-building activities for customer support teams that don't ever require you to leave the comfort of your four walls. The point of this game is to teach employees how to think on their feet. The point of this activity is to help your customer support reps put themselves in their customers' shoes. Materials: Jar of pennies that are no more than 15 years oldStep 1. One person stands up and makes three separate statements. The point of this game is to promote self-awareness to other people on your team. They then whisper that message into the ear of the person to their left. It is a long-running team-building activity that can be done every day. Quick team building activities bring groups together to make this possible in a casual setting without a lot of pressure. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '4bbcf7f8-3c11-4d5b-b284-c5f6a9d419c9', {}); Originally published Sep 20, 2018 8:00:00 AM, updated November 14 2019, 13 Quick & Easy Team-Building Activities for Customer Support Teams, 18 Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers, The Great Manager's Guide to Time-Off Requests, 14 Tried-and-True Ideas to Improve Team Communication, Writing Letters from Customer Perspectives. Additionally, this exercise reminds customer support reps to be empathetic towards customers. At the end, hold an open discussion on some things people noticed in the letters and some ways that the letters could have been improved. Afterward, employees can share what they created and what it says about them. Finally, the paper towel is a quick, easy and fun team building exercise that teaches employees planning, timing and organisation. The winner is the first team to accurately recreate the Lego structure. This person will start listing fun facts about themself, such as "I'm from Chicago," or "I like to snowboard." The point of this game is to relieve stress through light-hearted competition. The game focuses on an idea of listening carefully to what someone is saying and then adding a new thought onto that existing idea. To save you some setup time, be creative when selecting items for the list. To finish their puzzle, each team will need to find a way to work with the other teams to find and claim their missing pieces. You don't need to be Indiana Jones to go on an exciting adventure. Employees share something memorable or important that happened to them in the year on the penny. Whether it … The only materials your reps will have during this activity to help them find a solution is their voices. Each person is given a collection of coins or random small objects -- pens, paper clips, etc. The best part is that team-building activities don't need to be reserved for expensive, three-day office retreats. Maximize your time using these 11 quick and easy team building activities for small groups.Team building activities are great ways to create and strengthen bonds between groups. By talking about your design and why you made it, you're sharing important details about your life and your decision-making process. The point of this activity is to help your team grow closer and respect that everyone has good days and bad days. The presenter can't speak and has to teach the item's new purpose to the team. February 26, 2019. Pose the question, “What is the least and favorite part of working remotely?” Keeping that interaction in mind, the rep should craft a thank you letter from the perspective of the customer. Two truths and lie gives employees the chance to talk about their personal lives with the rest of the team. Amongst the team member, choose … It's preferable to select partners that don't know each other too well so that this activity gives them a chance to connect. Materials: A thin stick/dowel rod for each group of six to ten employeesStep 1. This activity is the opportunity to give advice and to learn more about each other. When working a busy schedule, it can be hard to find time to talk about our personal lives. In a recent Slack survey, employees ranked being part of a “community” at work as one of the most important workplace values. While this game will definitely produce some good laughs, it will also teach a good lesson on dealing with difficult customers. One popular virtual team building activity of this type is Online Office Games. Have participants use their cell phones to take pictures of items that can't move or create a priority item that's extra hard to find but gives the team more points if found. If one does touch the ground, your team is out. By dancing around making silly movements, your team will naturally loosen up and share some laughs. This builds connections with the rest of your team and makes it easier for employees to work with one another. (Here's the game in the App Store if you'd prefer to play the original with your team, too.). Materials: String and tapeStep 1. It can be easy when a customer is speaking to quickly say, "I understand, but … " but this sets you up for failure. Most of all, these teambuilding games: Here are some awesome team building activities that are fun and easy to do! The simple materials and constraints of this exercise mean employees will need to look at everyday items in new ways to be successful. It’s a simple activity that requires only a few sheets of paper but can have a dramatic and immediate effect on your team’s collaboration and productivity. This game will also get everyone up on their feet and moving. You pass the jar around and each team member has to remove a lolly from the jar. Team bonding time sometimes has a bad reputation among employees, but they don’t have to be dull or pointless. The game itself is very simple. With communication activities, team members become better at listening to each other and communicating their ideas. Then, have each pairing select one person as the customer and one as the customer support rep. Tell participants there was a series of robberies last night. During a scavenger hunt, employees are broken up into teams. Rather than being personally offended by rude comments, your reps can learn to treat them as that customer's "thorn" of the day. Every team needs a regular dose of team spirit to function at its best. It might sound cheesy, but each member of your customer support team is an integral asset in helping your company run. That's why it's important to come up with team-building activities that aren't solely built around verbal communication. As most managers already know, quick team building activities for work can have a great effect on productivity and overall teamwork at the office. Now put the stick on their fingers … Make sure they keep it realistic -- while customers are usually thoughtful in thank you letters, they probably won't go overboard with the compliments. @swethamaresan. You won't need to purchase many materials or even leave the office, but you'll still maximize the fun. Then let the attendees stand up, face each other, stretch their arms and point out the index fingers. Messy on the surface but high on collaboration and engagement, Egg Drop is a classic team building game that unites groups on creative problem solving. On one side of the room hang up empty stockings. Before beginning this game, you should take some time to craft the Heads Up-style game cards. Set a time and have each team try to put the most candy in their stocking using the spoons. Team members form a line, standing side by side.Step 2. Bring the entire team to a conference room or a large room enough for everyone to move freely, make sure to lock the door. In order to help you better target your time, these team building exercises have been organized by their focus. But the thing is – team building doesn’t have to be boring or unpleasant. Time Required: 30 minutes. They can be done anywhere,... 2. After a minute, give one team member from each group the opportunity to view the structure again for ten seconds, then brief the group on what they saw for 25 seconds.Step 5. While most of these games and activities will elicit some laughs from your team, they will all also teach valuable lessons about working closely with coworkers and handling a range of customer problems. Paper Tower is another fun game that can be used to spark innovation and creativity in your team. They have to be creative and analyze an object in a way they've never done before. Calisthenics are exercises designed to achieve fitness and health. Corporately speaking, it is so important to have fun team building activities and games are such a powerful “commercial breaks” for teammates so that breathe out from the usual work routines and concentrate on what is most important to life and commercial success – RELATIONSHIPS!. Steal this: 11 customizable employer brand templates for social media. By talking out these scenes, your reps will get practice and know how to respond to a similar situation when it inevitably comes up. This teaches employees the value of working together towards a common goal. Me Too!, tiny campfire and Tea vs Coffee are run by the same folks as Museum Hack. Materials: NoneStep 1. Communication is at the heart of any team’s productivity—or lack of productivity. One person is elected to think of a message that they'd like to pass on, such as "The customer is always right." Assign each pairing a ridiculously difficult customer scenario to act out. In this game, the team must work together to get all individual employees through the challenge. This game continues until everyone has been passed the ball of yarn and is holding onto a part of the string. Rose, Thorn,... 2. In this activity, you will split up your reps into partners. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '3f403048-fd8e-426f-bddd-4fce020ae24b', {}); This is a great, low-energy activity that requires nothing but your team's presence. Show one person per team the face of the “robber”. Materials: 18-20 pieces of letter-size paper per teamStep 1. When everyone has completed their letters, have them read them aloud for the group to hear. With the right emphasis, these 5 minute team building activities can be fun games that both break up the workday and support greater productivity for your team. An easy way to build rapport among individuals in a group setting is through the use of quick team building activities. Three Fun Apps To Play with 10 or Less People: Team Building Activities! In this game, participants sit together in a group. The upcoming list gives you a quick peek into some of the most popular workplace games and activities of all times. The point of this game is to learn how to effectively problem-solve with a team. Provide each team with the appropriate Lego pieces to replicate the Lego structure.Step 4. Instruct each person to reach out with their left hand and grab the left hand of another person in the circle who is not directly beside them. Group Excercises. One-by-one, team members list a "rose" -- a positive work experience that happened to them that week -- a "thorn" -- a negative work experience that happened to them that week -- and a "bud" -- a work experience to which they're looking forward next. Make sure to obtain a helium stick, or otherwise a thin and light rod. Divide the team members into even groups.Step 2. Some may view traditional team building games as disruptive and ineffective—especially when they are used without context or strategy. 3. Step 4. This … While the actual game allows playing with a variety of themes -- from movies to animals -- this version will focus on customer support. This game is played by having everyone circle up with one person holding the ball of yarn. For example, you could ask people to describe their last week/month, current team atmosphere, what they appreciate most about the team, how their day is going, what mood our customers in, etc… It is a quick way to start a discussion about culture, detect possible shifts in the atmosphere, and reasons to appreciate each other. Some companies like Zappos have incorporated a culture book. 37 Best Virtual Team Building Activities (Ranked) The following is a short list of the best virtual team building activities for remote teams and employees. This is a great, low-energy activity that requires nothing but your team's presence. is another fun game that helps your team bond and get to know each other. Each team member draws a penny from the jar.Step 2. In this activity, you will have each rep consider a positive customer interaction they had that week. Online Office Games (Facilitated) Sometimes, working with an event planner to run your activities can be a big win. Only paper can be used to build the tower, but it can be folded or torn to create the structure.Step 4. Then the must throw the object to someone new. The team building games below will have your team looking at both problems and opportunities in new ways, within the five minute time limit. Allow the reps playing the customers to be as ridiculous as they want, but to a reasonable point. Once the teams are set, assign each one a color and give them matching balloons. Me Too! The point of this game is to show your team that everyone is connected. Sometimes the best team building activities is allowing people to discuss or vent about things that are troubling them in the work environment. Instead, you can get employees up and active by setting up a scavenger hunt within your office or workspace. Display the completed Lego structure to all the groups for 30 seconds, then hide it from them.Step 3. We're committed to your privacy. It is then the team's job to act out the phrase and get the player to guess what is written. The following 5 minute team building activities help your employees identify and use their best talents as a team. If your balloon supply is limited, split employees up into smaller teams and play multiple rounds. Whoever the yarn-holder sees first gets handed the ball of yarn. By analyzing what factors of a customer support interaction might be considered satisfactory to a customer, your reps can remind themselves to include those factors in every single support session. This game can be played until all players have had a turn guessing. Collaborative tools and flexible workspace design can contribute to a more efficient team dynamic, but there are also simpler solutions for quick team building, such as team building activities. While this is important when speaking with customers, this is equally as important when communicating with coworkers so as to never belittle someone's thoughts or ideas. Each team member must go through a different opening in the string.Step 4. Materials: One 100-piece jigsaw puzzle for each small groupStep 1. Every customer support rep should be there to support their coworkers, just as much as they're there to support their customers. The second player continues, and the players keep going back and forth until the time is up (typically one minute or so). There are a lot of reasons to play games in (and out of) the office: getting to know each other, practicing communication skills, exercising problem solving skills. You want to build relationships and share personal experiences, but it can be hard to find the right opportunities to have those conversations. I have personally tested them and refined them to function in a professional context, and I will give you step-by-step instructions for each one.. Gather your team into a circle, they can either sit or stand. The point of this game is to teach creative thinking and collaboration. Simply, they should hold the card over their head facing the others. This is a collection of fun teambuilding games that any HR manager or Team Leader can apply before a team meeting or in any team building workshop – remember, good leadership is fundamental!. However, the first person must continue to hold onto the end of the string and simply pass on the ball. Then, have them to do the same with their right hands. After the time is up, have each pairing act out their scene for the whole team. Free and premium plans, Content management system software. This five minute team building exercise brings both communication and strength-identification to your team’s bonding time. Written by Swetha Amaresan If you are looking for even more ideas to make your team more efficient through a more positive work environment, you can also check out our list of 40 Employee Engagement Ideas to Try in 2020. Display the completed Lego structure to all the groups for 30 seconds, then hide it from them. Each time the object is caught by a team member they must share a random fact about themselves. This game is played by having players sit in a circle. The point of this game is to get your team to feel comfortable around each other. Team building activities that involve a range of tasks can help team members better understand their individual strengths and how those strengths contribute to the larger group. Looking for 10 of the best team building activities? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Communication and Icebreakers. The team that keeps the balloons up the longest wins. For example, you as the organizer can participate and bond with your colleagues too. Quick & Easy Team-Building Activities 1. Team-building exercises consist of games and activities that stimulate people to work together more efficiently and effectively. A Round Of Drinks. See all integrations. Yet when the right team building exercise is used at the right time, it can help your team learn more about each other and work more effectively together. The idea is to build egg package/carrier that can keep the whole uncooked egg intact by sustaining a 2-4-storey drop. The audience then has to guess which one is the lie. Quick Team Building Activities 1. Team building games are a fun and creative way to get your team connecting and working together. Then, everyone is challenged to create a personal logo using the materials in front of them. Step 4 can be repeated as needed with new team members.Step 6. After a minute, give one team … The right team building activities can help your employees bond, which in turn boosts engagement and productivity. At the end of the time limit, measure the towers to determine the winner. Team members are instructed to go to the wall that reflects their preferred mode of communication for work.Step 3. You can start the game by giving them an opening statement, such as "A customer calls to speak with a support rep." Then, one of the players continues with a "Yes, and…" statement, where they add on an additional sentence to the story. Instruct the teams to build the tallest tower possible in the five minute time limit.Step 3. This is a great activity to get your team thinking. This will encourage them to listen to each other, collaborate, use trial and error, and work as efficiently as possible to find a quick solution, which are necessary steps when trying to do the same for a customer. Telephone is a popular game that usually ends in hysterical laughs. Rose, Thorn, Bud. ↑ Table of Contents ↑ How to conduct team building activities Another simple 5 minute team building activities for the workplace, this exercise is all about overcoming the initial frustration of a challenge to find the right solution—all while working together as a team. Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news. In my book about remote team building, I share the 1/6 Rule. The point of this game is to build relationships between teammates. Rose, Thorn, Bud is meant to be a check-in activity that allows everyone in the group to spread their positive energy and dismiss their negative energy. Instructions for all activities below. To successfully complete the challenge, team members will need to work together using their various skills in different roles. Rather, you can incorporate them into normal workdays without breaking the clock or the bank. There will be times when customers complain about things that seem ridiculous, but it's important that a rep remains cool and collected. That's why managers turn to these easy and effective activities for building camaraderie and cohesion. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Gamestorming (the book) – … Materials: Paper, tape to stick the paper to wallsStep 1. Remove five pieces from each and place them on another table.Step 2. This game is played by having your support reps stand in a circle, shoulder-to-shoulder. Whoever is the tallest, wins! This is an easy activity you can assign to your team to do on their own time. During this game, the host selects a random item. Request a demo. Although team-building activities help to bring your group together, you don’t have to limit them to only one time a year. 4 Simple and Fun Virtual Team Building Activities; 5 Virtual Team Bonding Activities; 7 Zoom Games To Play with Friends, Students, or for a Virtual Happy Hour For many new employees, breaking the ice can be difficult. On the other side of the room set up bowls of candy with spoons. The human knot is a classic team-building activity that gets your team close -- in more ways than one. Give the pairings about ten minutes to prepare a loose script based off their scenario. On the opposite end, the audience must try to guess what the presenter is doing with the object. Team building games are often met with a groan. Label each of four walls with one format of communication: face-to-face, phone, email, and text/chat.Step 2. is a game app that has reached high popularity. Now in its second edition, Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers addresses the problems that drag down group productivity and helps teams: Running around and having some laughs is a great way to keep things casual and fun. While the answer depends on a variety of factors, the most critical may be how well your team members work together. Free and premium plans, Customer service software. Now that you know what team building stands for and how organizing some easy team building games can be a great help in the long run, it’s time to see what’s popular. A timer is then set and teams set out to find all of the items on the list. Start out by having every team member secretly write down two truths... Life Highlights Game What Are The Best Team Building Activities? The twist is that selecting the various roles for the team will be very important to the team’s success in defeating the Spider Web. Free and premium plans, Sales CRM software. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. By Maison Piedfort. The group must find a way to untangle the knot without ever letting go of someone's hand. The coin logo game is a great way to engage introverted employees. What should result is a "human knot" of intertwined arms and hands. The point of this activity is to prepare your support reps for the most absurd of customer interactions. Getting a group together for a team-building activity for just a few minutes at the start or end of your meeting time can make a HUGE difference in how they learn to work together. Nobody wants to spend time doing awkward activities with coworkers, especially so if it feels pressured. The team is required to get all team members through the “web” without touching the strings.Step 3. 8 Quick 5 Minute Team Building Activities to Improve Productivity, right team building exercise is used at the right time, 40 Employee Engagement Ideas to Try in 2020, 15 Common Recruiting Mistakes HR Managers Need to Stop Making, 8 social media recruiting strategies that always work. To learn more, read our list of Employee Appreciation Day ideas next. Problem-solving activities help the team members learn how to plan, think ad organize as a team. Instruct the team to choose one person who is responsible for selecting the order and hole for each team member, one member who is allowed to speak, and one person who is allowed to touch and move one string at a time. The point of this game is to teach your support reps the importance of active listening. A classic for a reason, this team building exercise requires your team to communicate with each other without the use of words. Instructions. Time Required: 15-30 minutes. team-building activities - December 11, 2018 […] There’s more information about this … If you wanna shake things up on a slow Friday, gather your team into a large open space like your office lobby or the parking lot. Sometimes being productive as a team means coming up with creative new ideas. If you're looking to push employees out of their comfort zone, the game of possibilities is a great way to inspire creative thinking. For example, a scenario may include a customer who complains that their product arrived too early. Team bonding is one element of building a company culture that keeps individual workers engaged and productive while improving the way your teams work. Provide each team with the appropriate Lego pieces to replicate the Lego structure. Team building activities promote the acceptance of individual differences while creating a bond that can lead to an unstoppable team. It also teaches them the value of body language. 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